Hey all! It's Wednesday, and I am feeling pretty darn good!! I can already see the CHANGES in my body from my new program, and I am loving it! Pic's will come soon!
Today's cardio was a little rough, I had a sharp shooting pain through my Left knee during my first set, and I had to modify the rest of my session...a little disheartening for me, but I would rather Train Smart, than acquire an injury! The important part is that I finished:)
Some of my goals for November are: Wake at 6am every morning! Give 110% to my new program! Push past my LIMITS everyday-so next time will be easier~!
So far, and I know it is only the 7th, but I am holding TRUE and STRONG to my goals! I have actually been a slight over achiever too;) I woke up at 5:30am Sun-today! So proud of myself! This is soooooo HUGE for me, because I am NOT nor have I ever been a morning person! I am really trying to force my body into making this my new routine! So far I love it! Last night was a little rough though. I began taking a night class from 6pm-9:30pm at school (in Kenosha, a 45min drive)! Since I have been going to bed at 9:30pm, it was really hard for me to stay awake so late last night... and a Full 8hrs of sleep is SO very important to my progress and health! But I need this course, and its advanced...just 6more classes to get through. I just hope this doesn't alter my morning routine for Wednesdays! It didn't today- but like I said- I am so not a morning person, so I will try not to slip up! :)
I hope you all Exercised your right to VOTE yesterday! I did:)
As far as pushing my limits and giving 110% That is going perfectly as well-besides my knee situation today.
Here is what my hands look like after just 3 days of training!
Some people may think calluses are gross- I think they are just proof of how hard your willing to work! Besides, no one sees the inside or your hands anyhow, especially when the rest of you looks so good! ;)
Hope Everyone is Training Hard!
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