When I think about living Clean, a few things instantly come to mind, body image(clean hair, clothes, etc), a clean home, clean and healthy food, a clean body(inside and out), and a clean mind(meaning no lieing or deceit).
To live by these Clean rules, takes discipline, yet the rewards exceed anything imaginable. Of course my place is not always clean- especially living with two men, who tend to make our apt look like we have 5 little kids or something, but I do my best to keep up with a clean household. A clean body and mind is something I encourage everyone to work on DAILY, yes, I mean showering, and wearing clean clothing -- You'd be surprised at how many people don't! and yes they STINK! Gross....
A clean mind is something everyone should work on every minute of every day! This creates you. You can either choose to be positive or choose to be negative. Choose to be mindful of others, or neglect them. Choose to embrace spirtualility or ignore it. It is all a choice, and its 110% up to you. Please choose mindfully, every choice has its consequence, whether that consequence is positive or negative you may not know, yet if you work towards never lieing and always using proper judgment and putting others ahead of yourself, your results will not go in regret.
Now lets get to the Hot Topic of Clean Eating. Most people think clean eating is eating healthy, or eating "clean, washed food". But what is eating healthy??? I have heard comments from clients before whom think that getting a Hamburger was Healthy, when they went out to eat. Or that a salad from a local restaurant was considered "clean" in their minds ( this includes dressing - this specific client thought a cesar salad was clean). Or that eating clean means you can only eat things that taste like cardboard! This is just the beginning to something of the crazy things I hear from clients and patrons, and the sad part is this is not their fault!!! Yes, it is their fault for not educating themselves on healthy eating and taking care of themselves, but I blame society and the media for warping minds on what is and what isn't healthy!!
With all these crazy fad diets, food commercials, TV shows, ads and restaurant claims I get it. Americans are confused. Growing up in Wisconsin, everything is revolved around food, and mostly dairy products. As a child, milk was forced at every meal (which is a big reason to why I wont go near it now), every party, dinner, or get together was tailored around a FEAST. Portion control was never in place in our household, never taught to me in school, never brought up at physician visits, and I am not sure why... Perhaps it was because as a child I was very high strung and always playing or running around, so naturally I was tiny, even though I ate, and I ate a lot! Then getting into high school, healthy options at the café in school were crappy prepared salads, and there was no way I was taking that over pizza or nachos! Yet, I think if I were educated about the effects of what we eat and how it reacts with the cells in our bodies at a younger age, then perhaps these decisions would have been made earlier on in my life. I am sure most of you have the same or similar experiences growing up, or maybe even still struggle with what a portion size is supposed to be, or how many calories you should consume, or the proper amount of macros you need to consume to attain your goal weight. For me, this was all a self taught lesson, I enjoy learning about food, how food works with our bodies, what food can do for us besides just be a form of energy. Did you know there are proven results that FOOD, yes FOOD can prevent and cure cancer. Now pair exercise with a proper diet, and think about how much better your quality of life could be. Think about Flu/cold season, how often do you get sick? What if I told you at max, you may only get a cold/flu maybe 1x/year, and it really only takes you about 1 day of rest to recover before your back to being 100%. What about increased energy??? After about 8hrs of sleep a day you still have 16hrs a day to be productive! Are you productive 16hrs worth each day?? Are you utilizing your time on this earth to its full potential?? You don't get a second chance at that, so why not live it to its potential? and all you have to do is eat right and exercise (at min. 30min/day). So what is so wrong with our society and they way we eat? Why aren't people more eager to learn about their bodies and how to take care of it? It is because of technology? Are we just lazy? What is it?
Sometime I honestly want to go up to bigger people and Shake them and ask them WHY are you killing yourself? Because honestly, that is what they are doing. Americans are Eating themselves to death, literally. Its disgusting how OKAY this is. Yet, cutting, anorexia, alcoholism, drug abuse and etc. get more attention as a self destructive behaviors. Over eating is just as bad people. I understand struggling with additions, and you can be addicted to FOOD. You will need help, and it will not be easy, yet I promise getting past this will only provide you with a better and longer future.
Please, if you want to learn more contact me or do some research!! Help can be all around you!! :)
Here is my beginner to do list of how to eat clean:
- Drink at least 8-8oz of water a day
- Eliminate processed/refined foods
- Watch added sugars/spices
- Eat whole, natural foods
- Shop just the boarders of the grocery store
- Eat fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meats, and nuts
- Eliminate dairy products
- Never drink you calories
- Get and use measuring cups and a food scale
- Exercise at least 30 min/day 5x/week
- Cook all your food at home
- Prep food for the entire week
- Check out these sites for recipe ideas:
Now go out and be the best version of you possible!
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